• Question: What is it like upside down

    Asked by 599tch48 to Charlie πŸš€, Andrea, Col Op, Kirsty, Vinita on 14 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Aristol, Samuel Grandilli, TabbyCat, Skye.
    • Photo: Charles Laing

      Charles Laing answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Hi 599tch48,

      The thing is in space there is no upside down!

      On the International Space Station (ISS) there are computers and work stations on all sides so it is not uncommon for one astronaut to be working on the β€˜floor’ whilst another is exercising on the β€˜ceiling’.

      This can take time for astronauts to get used to working like this and some astronauts have reported feeling sick when they are conducting an experiment and look up to see someone else working in a different direction.

      On a parabolic zero gravity flight it is important to know where is up and down as the time for floating is only 30 seconds. If you are floating upside down when the gravity comes back that is going to hurt! πŸ˜‚

      Charlie πŸ˜€πŸš€

    • Photo: Andrea Boyd

      Andrea Boyd answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      On Earth it causes a red face and a headache. πŸ˜‰

      In space – no direction is up and you feel the same no matter which way you are! Check out Tim trying to get dizzy! He can’t!
