• Question: hello it's simran and i have a few questions for you: Was there any hard decision you had to make?

    Asked by The Comet Killer! to Vinita, Kirsty, Col Op, Charlie 🚀, Andrea on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Kirsty Lindsay

      Kirsty Lindsay answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Hi Simran,
      I had a very hard decision to make to stay for an extra year at ESA while my husband was in the UK. In the end I’m glad I made it, even though it was hard because I got to do lots of new and interesting things, like looking after the physiology science programme at Concordia, which is a research base in Antarctica. As grown-ups we need to make decisions all the time, luckily some of them are easy though- like deciding to volunteer for I’m an Atronaut or if I’m going to have ice cream for pudding 🙂

    • Photo: Andrea Boyd

      Andrea Boyd answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      I had to decide to stay a Mining Engineer in Australia (which I was very good at and I loved as a job) or take a chance and fly on a one way plane to the other side of the Earth to sit interviews for the ISS Flight Control and change to be a Space Engineer.
